Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Brain injury Awareness Month

Cincinnati personal injury accident trial attorney Anthony Castelli is pleased to be involved in brain injury awareness month. The goal of brain injury awareness month is to heighten everyone's awareness of the subtle effects of traumatic brain injury and the need to identify and care for people who have sufferred a concussion.

Often these injuries are caused by car accidents, but the more severe and painful injuries are identified and the effects of a concussion are often missed. Then when the person starts to get better the side effects of the concussion become manifest. That's why it's important for injury victims to consider hiring attorneys experienced with traumatic concussion cases.

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a blow or jolt to the head.
This injury is caused by falls, motor vehicle crashes, assaults and other
incidents. It is important to know that any TBI—whether diagnosed as mild, moderate or severe—can temporarily or permanently impair a person’s cognitive skills, interfere with emotional health.

You can experience memory loss; concentration or attention
problems; slowed learning; and difficulty with planning, reasoning, or judgment.
Emotional and behavioral consequences include depression, anxiety,
impulsivity, aggression, and thoughts of suicide.

Other effects of TBI may include fatigue, headaches, problems with
balance or motor skills, sensory losses, seizures, and endocrine dysfunction.

If you suspect that you or someone close to you has suffered a concussion as a result of the fault of another make sure you get the right medical attention. And to get the help you need to get the compensation you deserve contact Anthony Castelli Cincinnati injury attorney at 621-2345 for a free consult

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