Thursday, March 25, 2010

Biker Injured by Passing Motorist Disputed But Case Settles Favorably for biker

Recently I represented a man who was out riding his bicycle on some back country roads. The car came from behind him. All my client knew is that he saw the car in his rearview mirror and the felt something hit him hard in his mid-back.

The auto driver said my client was out in the middle of the roadway and must have served as the car went around him. My client hurt his shoulder and required rotator cuff surgery.
The insurance company made a minimum offer and so we had to file suit.

I had gone to the scene and understood that this area was a two lane highway with no passing just at the area of the accident scene. I obtained the police report and reviewed it carefully and saw the car driver made some admisions that were apparently contradictory to his current statements. I also got the police photographs. They showed my client's sunglasses right at the edge of the road.

That was an important piece of evidence. Bicyclists are entitled to ride in the roadway. But they are also required to ride as close to the right hand side of the roadway as practical. The photographic evidence suggested my client was riding in the correct area.

I prepared for taking the car driver's deposition. This is a statement under oath given with a court reporter taking down my questions and answers. I was prepared to seek significant and damaging admissions from the defendant, which he gave.

The insurance company called me after the deposition and raised their offer significantly and a fair settlement was reached. I tell you about this in case you have been seriously injured by the fault of another and the insurance company is treating you unfairly. You can call me to get answers to your questions.

You can call me right now for the help you need to get the compensation you deserve at 1-800-447-6549.

by Anthony Castelli Cincinnati, Ohio personal injury trial attorney

Founding member of

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