Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cincinnati Personal Injury victims - Get Your questions answered

Find answers to your Ohio personal injury questions at the Cincinnati Attorney Web site of Injury Trial attorney Anthony Castelli

Personal injury car accident claimants and other injury claimants often have many questions about their rights. My web site seeks to answer some of those questions with free articles and videos.

The biggest issue that seems to keep people away from lawyers is that they don't know how personal injury lawyers charge.

People need to understand two things:

1. Just calling a lawyer normally will not cost you anything. Most lawyers in this area offer a free consultation whether initially in person or by phone.

2. Then if a personal injury lawyer takes your case they normally do it on a contingency fee.

Here are some article and video links to information about the contingency fee and how to go about hiring a lawyer for your personal injury or car accident.

Videos link to answers to frequently asked questions about personal injury such as:

The most important question to ask a personal injury attorney before you hire them.

Contingency fee explained.

Do I need an Attorney?

How to hire a great personal injury attorney?


This is an article link to: 10 reasons to hire a personal injury attorney.

You can call me today at 621-2345 to speak with me personally at no cost so you can get the help you need to get the compensation you deserve.

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