Saturday, January 30, 2010

Attorneys How Take Good Care of Your clients

Cincinnati Attorney Talks on Client Care

Most of the information being passed to attorneys these days is how to get clients. But the most important thing for an attorney to think about and act on is taking care of the clients you have. So what does it mean to take good care of a client. You only need to look from a client's perspective to know what's necessary.

1. Personal Attention

A client wants to know that you care about them and their case. You show that you care when you give them personal attention. The number one thing is communicating with your client about their case. You must return their phone calls promptly. This is the number one thing you here from people that call looking for help when they already have an attorney. So return those phone calls the same day if possible , but no later than the next day. Just think about when you call your doctor's office. Don't you expect comminication back that same day.

2. Explaining the process

Take time with your clients in the initial meeting and in other conversations to explain the process. Sure you can't anticipate every twist and turn and all the time frames. But at least try to give some general parameters about what to expect and how long things can take.

3. Keep them informed about what you are doing

You might be working as hard as you can on a client's case , but if they don't know what's going on they make think nothing is happening. It's good practice to copy them on any thing you send out about their case.

4. Put each case on a tickler system

These reminders that come up help you keep moving your client's case forward. You want to solve their promblem as quickly as possible, not prolong it.

by Cincinnati personal injury accident attorny Anthony Castelli. Call 621-2345 today to speak to Tony for free about your questions

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