Monday, May 3, 2010

Slip and Fall Can You Recover

If you fall in the local Wallmart or Krogers in Ohio the law does not make it easy to recover. However in the right case a recovery is possible. You must show that the storeowner created the defect or it existed long enough for the storeowner to have fixed it. The legal term is negligence.

Also the defect must not be open and obvious. Ohio law can prevent you from recovering if the defect was open and obvious. I just finished resolving a case with a favorable settlement. The individual tripped on a depressed sunken area of walkway next to the parking lot. What made the case was it happened at night so the defect was not obvious.

But I had to figure out a way to demonstrate the hidden nature of the defect. So we shot a night video. This video was taken 2 years to the day with substantially similar conditions. Although the defect had been fixed, everything else was similar.

Watch closely and see if you can tell when the videographer steps down from the sidewalk to the parking lot, that's where the injury occurred.

I hired Kraig Haplea the owner of Visual Justice to do the shoot. I would highly recommend him for all your video needs. by Cincinnati personal injury attorney Anthony Castelli. Call 621-2345 for a free consultation for the help you need to get the compensation you deserve.

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