Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to find a Great Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney

How to find a great Cincinnati car accident attorney has been a topic I have blogged about before . But it has been quite some time and now I have a companion video So I thought the article was worth updating and complementing it with the video. Both of these are avaiable on my web site

5 Steps to finding a great personal injury lawyer.

1. Do a google search on " cincinnati car accident attorney "

2. Look in the organic listings for the top three attorneys and go to their web sites.

3. Find out the following information about each attorney:

A. What do their client's say about them. Are there testimonials on their web site. These implicit recommendations mean a lot.(click here to my testimonial page)

B. Are they an experienced personal injury trial attorney. Face it, if an attorney does not know how to try a injury case you have hired a gun without bullets.

C. Are they AV rated by Martindale-Hubbell. This is a private company that collects peer reviews on the attorney. AV is the highest rating in skill and ethics.

D. Are they willing to advance expenses of litigation. If you're not in a position to and they won't your case may not get very far.

E. Do they provide informational videos. This not only helps you learn what questions to ask, but helps you decide close up and personal if this attorney exhibits confidence, passion and compassion.

4. Call those attorneys that meet the above criteria and ask for a free consultation. If you call and don't get a live body to talk to during normal business hours you may want to go on to another lawyer on your list. Of course you may not get to speak to the attorney right then especially if he has significant business and seriouly injured clients. But expect a call back within 24 hours.

5. Ask the attorney over the phone if they are the attorney that will handle your case from start to finish. You want to be sure the attorney you hire will be the attorney who knows you and your case intimately.

You can go to my car accident center on my web site for more information
as well as my videoblog Cincinnati Ohio car accident attorney

by Cincinnati, Ohio Accident and Injury attorney Anthony Castelli . Call today
for the help you need to get the compensation you desreve 1-800-447-6549 or 621-2345

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