Friday, December 11, 2009

Key Motorcycle Injury Insurance by Cincinnati Attorney

According to this Cincinnati Motorcycle Injury Attorney this Insurance is Key

A motorcycle operator, just as a car driver, is only required to carry $12,500 of liability insurance in the state of Ohio. That means if a car driver caused you a serious injury while you were on your motorcycle, and the car driver carried minimum limits, that is likely all you would collect. ($12,500).

However you have the power to purchase underinsured motorist coverage in your motorcycle policy. Underinsured motorist insurance pays you for you injuries if your coverage is higher than the person's who caused your injury and your injuries merit damages in excess of the policy carried by the person who caused your injury. The minimum you should carry is $100,000.00 of underinsured motorist coverage.

For example if you broke your arm and required surgery and plates put in your arm, your damages could be $100,000.00. If you had $100,000.00 of underinsured coverage you could collect $12,500 from the car driver with minimum limits and an additional $87,500.00 from yor ouw insurance company. But only if you purchased underinsured motorist coverage on your motorcycle. If you did not you would end up horribly undercompensated.

For more motorcycle information go to or for motorcycle safety awarenesss and injury help

by Cincinnati motorcycle accident attorney Anthony Castelli call 621-2345 for the help you need

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