Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Season filled with Sadness for Some

As I write this article my thoughts go to the many car accident, motorcycle accident victims, the truck accident victims, and other personal injury victims whom I represent all over the State of Ohio

The life of a personal injury attorney is not easy and its an awesome resposibility to seek justice for someone tragically killed or injured. But how much harder it is for the victim to live that tragedy and loss every day. Even more so when the families get together and one is broken or missing because of the carelessness of someone else.

Today I will be making some calls to the clients I represent and have represented that have lost a loved one needlessly. I know that this holiday season is bitter sweet at best . When you have lost a father, a son, a husband. even though time passes the hurt never completely fades.

Many put their faith in God. Some question God. For most its not about the money, even though it is designed to make up for the loss . But how can it really. Its about having someone on their behalf stand up and say this was wrong , you could have prevented it . Don't let it happen again. This acknowledgement comes in the form of a settlement or verdict aginst the wrongdoer. Even then its rare to hear them say sorry for your loss, let alone sorry for the loss I caused you.

As one of my clients wrote me "This result will not bring back our "husband, father, grandfather" or ease the pain of his loss. After 4½ years, we still feel the pain, but a significant settlement can ease our burden and make the wrongoer responsible for negligence. It made them take notice of how serious we were to prove it wasn’t the victim’s fault.

Its not about revenge. Its not about an eye for an eye. Its about justice in the face of tragedy. Tragedy caused by carelessness. A lack of caring.

My job and my career as a personal injury attorney is to help those who are injured, and those whose family members have suffered a wrongful death. I help people on a daily basis. I have much work to do and miles to go before I sleep. But that's okay with me. I'm very blessed .

Some people celebrate the holiday’s and are oblivious to the suffering of some, there are many out there who are not so fortunate.

I would like to send prayers out to all of my personal injury clients during this holiday season. I promise will work with all my stenghth and fight with all my heart for you ; I will do everything in my power to get you the compensation you deserve. You are not alone.

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