Monday, October 12, 2009

Were Your Ohio Workers Compensation Checks Stopped and your Attorney Never explained why

Why Were My Ohio Workers Compensation Benefits Checks stopped

Many workers compensation Claimants do not understand why their biweekly compensation checks were stopped even though they could not go back to work. There could be several reasons. The biggest one is that you reached maximim medical improvement known as MMI.

This means that the Ohio bureau of workers compensation has determined that your medical condition is not going to improve any further. In other words you have reached a plateau from which there will not be any further improvement. So even if you think you are still healing , and even if your doctor thinks there is still room for improvement and even if you have not returned to work, you could be determined to be maximum medically improved and your checks could be stopped.

That's why its important to have an attorney that is certified by the OSBA as a specialist on your side. They can fight to keep you from being found mmi and if you loose they can explain and determine a strategy for you to seek other benefits.

Watch this video to learn more about this issue.

by Cincinnati Workers Compensation attorney certified by the Ohio State Bar association Anthony Castelli call today 621-2345 for a free consultation

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