Saturday, June 6, 2009

Motorcycle Rider Abate Member Martin Meister RIP

Martin Meister long time motorcycle rider enthusiast and member of ABATE of Ohio pased from this life on April 29.2009. Martin loved to ride his motorcycle and loved ABATE ( American Bikers Aimed Toward Education)

In fact that's how I met Martin through a meeting of Abate of Ohio Region 5 hamilton county. To me Martin was the face and voice of Abate and documented their activity with photographs. My email is filled with photograghs that Martin took of motorcycle biker events he traveled to.

Martin was truly unique and passionate about the right of motorcycle riders. He was passionate about the right of way law hoping that it would prevent injury to motorcycle riders. He asked me to speak about that law at one of the local Abate meetings. I'll never forget the introduction he gave me that made me feel right at home.

Martin was well known throughout the State of Ohio. His sense of humour, intensity, passion friendship and smile will surely be missed by many. I know it will be missed by me. He treated everyone the same with respect and care. And was everyone's cheerleader.

He was always there to lend a hand to motorcycle riders and the charitable events contributed to by Abate. I know God's light is shining on Matin, the photo takin hillbilly, as he with his humility and self depricating humour used to call himself.

by Anthony Castelli cincinnati Personal injury and trial attorney

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