Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cincinnati Personal Inury Attorney Press Release

Cincinnati, OH June24, 2009 -- Cincinnati personal injury Attorney( Anthony Castelli releases the Six key items of damage for personal injury victims in Ohio.

Personal injury victims in Ohio can recover six key elements of damage that entitle them to recover money compensation.

Claimaints can recover for:
1. Reasonable medical expense
2. Pain and suffering
3. Loss of enjoyment of life
4. loss of wages
5. Impairment of earning capacity
6. Disfigurement scarring

Loss of enjoyment of life means those things victims were able to do before your injury but now can not do, or are more difficult to do. Some examples are gardening, taking walks, golfing. The list is unique to each individual.

Impairment of earning capacity is the lessened ability to earn money as a result of an injury. For example, if an injury claimaint was a concert pianist and could no longer play the piano because of a hand injury , but could work at something for less money, they are entitled to the difference in earnings.

Claimaints are entitled to those damages as shown by the evidence for the past as well as the future. But the future must be reasonably certain.

Mr. Castelli a Greater Cincinnati, Ohio accident and personal injury attorney for over 28 years stated that, "insurance companies like to keep you in the dark about everything you are entitled. They hope to make a quick cheap settle up. Do not sign a binding release until you know all of your injuries, their nature and extent and all of your rights."

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