Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Cincinnati Car Acccident Claims Attorneys

If you are injured in a car accident in the Greater Cincinnati area there is a good likelihood that the liability carrier (the insurance company for the person that caused your injury) will be Progressive , State Farm or Allstate insurance company.

These companies do a lot of advertising in this area . Allstate has no one in the area to adjust claims and you will be dealing with someone from out of town . Allstate's strategy is often to make walkaway offers. They give low offers and hope that you will take it instead of hiring an attorney.They may tell you this is the most you will get . However in some cases , the right case factually , this may not be true.

Although you may have to take a case to trial to get what your case is worth it may be well worth it. Anthony Castelli represented a young lady ,30 years old, who was given a low ball offer by allstate . Approximately $3500. The case went to arbitration and the arbitrators awarded her $15000.00. Allstate appealed. So now it was necessary to have a trial .

New evidence was adduced of a more serious problem in the lady's neck ,but allstate just hired a doctor to give testimony against the lady. The jury awarded over $80,000.00 and allstate only had $25000 of insurance coverage but agreed to pay the whole verdict plus an additional amount for prejudgement interest, because they feared another claim could be brought against them for bad faith.

Every case does not have this happy ending and in some cases Allstates' offer is comparable to what a jury would award. But how is the layman too know what to do . The best thing you can do before you sign away your rights for less that you desreve is to consultwith an experienced personal injury attorney and find out what they suggest.

Anthony Castelli offers free initial consultations and invites you to call him today before its too late. Call 513-621-2345 for a free no cost no obligation consult. www.castellilaw.com

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