Sunday, March 18, 2007

Association of Trial lawyers Changes Name -WHY

The Association of trial lawyers of America recently changed its name to American Association for Justice. This group is comprised of attorneys who primarily represent injured people. Victims of car accidents, malpractice and other negligent conduct.

For several decades , proponents of civil justice restriction ( those that would put a catastrophically injured person on the welfare role as the taxpayer's burden rather than have them recover full and fair compensation from insurance companies) have engaged in a well funded campaign to eliminate the rights of individuals to hold wrongdoers accountable.

The president of the organization wrote that the purpose of the name change was not to hide who we are, but to focus on reframing the debate in the fight against those who would erode our personal and civil rights. Changing the organization's name changed the focus from who we are , to what we are fighting for.

We believe that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and posseses an innate power to right wrongs and hold wrongdoers accountable for their actions. " We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal and are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "

Yes I am proud to be a trial lawyer fighting for my clients . Some days I feel like a paper pusher, but many days I feel like I can and do make a difference, fighting big insurance, fighting government bureaucracy , fighting the workers compensation system.

I'm in this right with my clients, as I'm like most plaintiff's lawyers that work on a contingency fee. If there is no recovery for my client then there is no recovery for me.

by Anthony Castelli Greater Cincinnati accident and injury attorney. Anthony offers free initial consultations 621-2345 Call him today if you have been injured by the fault of another, or on the job or have been denied social security disability.

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