Sunday, December 3, 2006

Ethical Personal Injury Referrals


It any case it is critical to get the client to an attorney familiar with handling the type of case the client has.

For example a car accident victim might come to the attorney that did their will. This attorney not wanting to give up a fee, might take on the case and figure he can settle. But what if the insurance company's offer is unfair. The attorney must learn what to do, get the client to take the lowball offer or withdraw.

However there is another solution that works from the very beginning. The attorney could refer the case to an experienced personal injury attorney and request a portion of the fee. This is best accomplished under Ohio ethical rules by both attorneys signing on to the fee contract, full disclosure to the client, and both attorneys and under the new ethical rules both attorneys sign the required disbursements form at the end of the case.

This way the clients interests are served and the attorney who initiated the client will be compensated.

anthony Castelli Attorney is available to accept refferals or co-counsel relationships.

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