Thursday, November 23, 2006



If you have sufferred a personal injury as a result of the fault of another you may be considering hiring a lawyer experienced in injury claims. Most cases such as these are car accident cases.

In other articles I have covered how to find a good personal injury lawyer. Lets assume that you have found a lawyer you like. What should you pay him?

Most lawyers in the personal injury field charge 1/3 of the gross recovery. Thus they gamble their time and often their money and the door to the courthouse is open to the injury victim by means of the lawyer's services without the victim risking a big attorney bill that they might not be able to pay since with a contingency fee their is no fee payment to the attorney unless there is a recovery of money.

However in some cases the question is not will there be a recovery but how much will the recovery be. For instance lets assume you were rear ended , the independant witnesses verify this and you went straight to the hospital where you were operated on for a broken arm. The liability carrier is a fair one and has ample insurance to cover the reasonably expected claim.

Some lawyers would be willing to reduce what they normally charge on a contigency basis since the risk of no recovery appears to be taken out of the equation. I know i would certainly consider it.

So when you meet with a lawyer at the initial consultation don't be scared to ask what his normal fee is and whether he would be willing to reduce it based on the circumstances of your case. I know that I would consider it.

Anhony Castelli Attorney offers free initial consultations and would be proud to have you contact him about your case and the fee he would charge you .

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