Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cincinnati Motorcycle Accident and Injury Attorney Adds new content

There are many "venues" that I use to try to reach potential consumers of the legal services I provide. One of the areas I focus on is motorcycle accident injury cases. I have ridden in the past, know a lot of motorcyclists, and represented many bikers that were injured as a result of a car driver.

It's no secret that some people are prejudiced against motorcyclists. But as usual this prejudice is based on lack of knowledge and stereotyping. The vast majority of motorcycle riders are a caring group that love the freedom their bike gives them .

My goal is to seek to eliminate prejudice and educate bikers about their rights and how they can protect themselves before and after an injury.

Here is a new site I found that allows me to create a biker rights channel
It is not sophisticated and the few videos were made before I went to work in the wee hours of the morning. Soon I will have an actual videoblog on my web site that will cover motorcycle law.

Another resource I found to reach Cincinnati , Ohio personal injury accident victims is mefeedia.com and here I have created an rss feed. If you subscribe this will allow you to be notified of any new videos I put up on youtube.


So I hope you enjoy these new resources and learn a few tips that will help you , a family member, or friend stay out of harms way. But if you do get harmed I welcome your call so you can get the help you need to get the compensation you deserve. Call 621-2345 to speak with me for a free consult

By Cincinnati Ohio motorcycle accident injury attorney Anthony Castelli

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