Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Value Of A Cincinnati Personal Injury Lawyer

In his book "The Injury Industry and the Remedy of No-Fault Insurance" Jeffery O'Connell stated the following: "Studies tend to show that hiring an attorney not only increases the chance and amount of payment but leaves more net payment for the claimant even after deducting his attorney's fee." .

"According to one statistical study conducted at the Columbia Law School, `the claimant who retains an attorney improves his chances of recovery; and, in addition, `the increment to the victim who retains an attorney is large enough so that, even after the attorney's fee is deducted, he will "net" more than if he had handled the case himself."

While these statements may not be true in every case and in fact there are cases I would not take because I don't think I can add value to them

Be wise, make sure you consult a competent Cincinnati injury lawyer and in the appropriate case hire them to represent you!

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