Saturday, May 9, 2009

THe Most Important To Do if You Are In A Cincinnati CAr Accident

Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney Reveals The Number One Action to Take For Your Cincinnati Car Accident Injury

If you are in a car accident there are many things you need to do to ensure that you get a fair settlement of your claim with the insurance company. The many things necessary is the subjct matter for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney. However there is one key thing that you must do if possible before you ever see an attorney. YOU MUST DOCUMENT YOUR CASE.

There are many kinds of documentation. The very first documentation is a police report. Make sure the police are called. This documents the accident and provides confirmation of important information. You also must document your injury by having it treated. The medical provider will make a medical record of your injury. Finally documentation of the scene, the objects involved and your injuries if visible by photographs is critical.

For more infomation contact Anthony Castelli Cincinnati Car accident and personal injury trial attorney

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