Friday, April 24, 2009

Cincinnati Personal Injury Attorney Social Network Key

Attorney Networking & Social Media for Personal Injury Lawyers

Probably until 60 days ago many Cincinnati attorneys have never heard of twitter. Or how about linkedin. Although many of you may know about facebook. But probably from you teenager or college student. These social networks are getting more and more media attention.

Everyone now seems to be jumping on the bandwagon from Oprah to Barbara Walters. Are these overhyped. I think the answer is yes. Is there value in having a presence there. I also think the answer is also yes.

However the biggest key to your presence is NOT to use them to sell yourself. Use them to engage people in intersting conversation. You can let them know what you do , but don't beat people over the head with it.

The analogy is that its like going to a party. You don't start handing out cards. You talk to people about current events, their interests , their family ; eventually the conversation gets around to what you do for a living. That's the way you should handle your twitter or facebook presnce.

However on linkedin there are multiple groups that are subjcet matter related such as the injury attorney referral group. So linkedin can be used a little differently. To me it is more of a place to make professional contacts.

Of course there still is nothing better than taking great care of your clients so that they serve as a referral source.

by Anthony Castelli Cincinnati personal injury trial attorney

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