Thursday, February 19, 2009

Personal injury Trial Attorneys Needed to Protect your rights

Personal Injury Trial Attorneys are needed to protect the rights of injury victims. Nothing makes this point clearer than the recent outbreak of Salmonella from tainted peanuts. This is a company that was supposed to be watched by the FDA. So how did they knowingingly ship out contaminated peanuts?

Many circles want to limit trial attorneys abilty to recover for their victims. Many circles want to limit damages. But who will stop these downright meanspirited companies that visit damage on unknowing citizens just for the almighty buck. So its up to the trial attorneys to get justice for their victims. Its up to the trial attorneys to make the wrongdoers pay.

Sure goverment has some oversite responsibilities, but that should not preclude prive individuals form seeking their own justice with the help of the personal injury trial attorneys.

by Anthony Castelli attorney

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