Sunday, February 22, 2009

Cincinnati Car Accident Attorneys free consultation

If you have been injured in a car accident in Cincinnati you may be wondering what will happen. The first thing is that eventually the insurance company for the person that caused the car accident will call you. They will want to record a statement from you. Be very careful because this statement could later be used against you.

Some Cincinnati car accident attorneys offer fre initial consultations. In my humble opinion it would be a good idea to talk with an experienced Cincinnati car accident attorney before you say something to the insurance company that could hurt your right to recover for your personal injury.

I welcome you to call me for a free consultation. After speaking with me , if you decide to hire me as your Cincinnati car accident lawyeer you won't have to speak to the insurance company. I will do that for you. That way nothing can be used against you. That way you do not have to fight in the dark by yourself a loosing battle. That way you have an experienced Cincinnati car accident attorney fighting fot justice for you , so that you get everything you are entitled for your car accident injury.

by Anthony Castelli Cincinnati Car accident attorneys

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Personal injury Trial Attorneys Needed to Protect your rights

Personal Injury Trial Attorneys are needed to protect the rights of injury victims. Nothing makes this point clearer than the recent outbreak of Salmonella from tainted peanuts. This is a company that was supposed to be watched by the FDA. So how did they knowingingly ship out contaminated peanuts?

Many circles want to limit trial attorneys abilty to recover for their victims. Many circles want to limit damages. But who will stop these downright meanspirited companies that visit damage on unknowing citizens just for the almighty buck. So its up to the trial attorneys to get justice for their victims. Its up to the trial attorneys to make the wrongdoers pay.

Sure goverment has some oversite responsibilities, but that should not preclude prive individuals form seeking their own justice with the help of the personal injury trial attorneys.

by Anthony Castelli attorney

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Car Accident Attorneys Advice on your Auto Insurance

A recent article in the Cincinnati Enquirer noted that because of the poor economic times people are driving without insurance. First of all this is agaisnt the law. If you are involved in an accident your license will be suspended. But what if you are in a car accident where the other driver is at fault and they have no insurance. Do you know if your policy protects you.

If you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage you will be able to recover compensation from your own insurance company for your injuries. This is an optional coverage so make sure you ask your agent for it. At least request $100,000.00 of coverage. That way if you are hurt by an uninsured driver you can collect up to $100,000.00

But what if the other driver has insurance but it it the state minimum of $12,500 per person. Then you would be entitled to make a claim of up to $87,5000.

Also with regard to the damage to your car, your comprehensive coverage will protect you if its the other person fault. If it is your fault your collision coverage will pay for your car to be fixed.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions about your coverages.
Anthony Castelli

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cincinnati Attorneys Settles Car accident

Anthony Castelli a greater Cincinnati attorney recently settled a car accident injury claim for $300,000. The settlement occured at mediation after suit was filed and extensive discovery. The plaintiff was a 44 year old woman who was injured in an intesectional collision. She had neck and low back complaints. In addition she had some glass imbedded in her ear.

There were approximately $100,000 in medical bills. She had fusion surgery to her neck with a good result. The defendant alleged that she had prexisting arthritis in her neck and back which was undisputed. However she never had any previous treatment.

This case is measured soley on its own merit. Each case is different. In some situations this settlemt could be either higher or lower. And a jury could have awarded more or less.

There are many factors that go into valuing compensation for an injury. If you have a serious car accident injury you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney that can help you decide and maximize the value of your case.

by Anthoy Castelli . Mr Castelli would be pleased to give you a free consultation to determine if yours is a case that he would be willing to take on.