Friday, January 16, 2009

Cincinnati Injury & Workers Compensation Attorney Blogs

The Hidden Ohio Workers Compensation Benefit

If you got hurt while working in Ohio you are entitled to workers compensation benefits. Most people know that their bills should be paid and while they are off work they should get paid. But many people do not know about an award that could pay $2000 or more if you have an injury that causes a permanent impairment. Additionally this award can be increased if you know how. Most workers compensation attorneys will know how to get this award and will take their fee only out of the award.

An Ohio workers compensation specialist, certified by the Ohio State bar Association, should be able to tell you if you are entitled to this award. They will also know how to maximize this award.

If you would like further information or like to pursue this award call me at 621-2345 and I'll gladly give you a free consultation to see if I can get you money you are missing out on.

Anthony Castelli certified by the Ohio State bar association as a specialsit in Ohuo workers compensation

This post can also be found at where Anthony Castelli has a blog

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