Saturday, May 24, 2008

MORE to LIfe Than Personal Injury Law Practice


Although I love my personal injury law practice and devote many hours to my clients I have another passion- coaching boys youth basketball.

I am a very demanding coach especially for the fifth grade level, but I tell every child I coach don't take my criticism personally because the bottom line is that I love these children. I want them to be the best they can be in basketball and in life. That means particlarly that they work hard and play hard and pay attention so they can learn the game.

I firmly believe they need to know what it means to give 100% effort and be disciplined to play the game the right way. They need to understand that basketball is a team game.

Of course they need to know that its not the end of the world when they make a mistake and understand that they have done a lot positive in the learning process. Every child needs to gain in confidence. For example if a child takes a good shot and misses they need to be encouraged to take that shot again , not yelled at for missing a shot.

One of my favorite players is a young man named Sam. Almost always he gives everything he's got. He probably is the smallest child on the team but when he gets the eye of the tiger- watch out- because he will play such great defense that it lifts the whole team.

I asked him to play on our school team that I coached 2 years ago. Last year in the CYO tournament he went in the game when things looked bleak and hounded the other teams best player into several turnovers that turned the game around and helped us win.

Just last week he ran back to half court and put himself between a long pass from the other team that could have turned the game around. A player that outweighed him by 40 pounds tried to run thru him to get the ball but Sam held his ground and was knocked to the ground. So instead of the other team scoring and turning the game around Sam literally saved the game by his hustle and court awareness.

I told Sam last week that I would mention him in my blog. But Sam, I still don't want you shooting those 3 pointers, but i can correctly state that every shot you have taken this spring has been a good one.

O yeh one more thing about Sam - he also hit a buzzer beater this season to win a game for us.

I'll never regret trading for Sam two years ago, I hope he doesn't regret being coached by me. He gives me and the team everything he has and doesn't back down from kids twice his size . He has the heart of a lion. He's a special young man.

So this blog dedicated to you Sam . Thanks Sam

coach tony

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