Friday, January 4, 2008

Motorcycle Groups Focus on Safety


Motorcycle groups have one predominant focus - the safety of motocyclists from accidents. Whether it is the abate of ohio or other state abate organizations or the motorcycle riders foundation, the goal is to promote safety.

The question of how our groups differ from the ntsb was highlighted in the recents MRF Reports. We focus on crash avoidance tools vs the theme of safer crashing ie. helmets posed by the ntsb.

the tools motorcycle rider organizations propose and this attorney writer support are rider education and training, motorist awareness programs, enhanced right of way legislation, proper motorcycle licensing programs, and impaired riding- riding straight campaigns.

As a number of inaccuracies have been uncovered in examining data related to motorcycle crashes and many of the conclusions are speculative at best, the only true solutions to motorcycle safety are these proactive measures that prevent a collision from occurrring at all rather than reactive steps that may offer some level of injury reduction only after a crash has already taken place.

For instance in the greater cincinnati motorcycle community, Aces and Eights, the harley dealer in Mason , offers an excellant program on how to ride safely especially for the novice rider .

Anthony Castelli is a greater cincinnati attorney that represents motorcyclists involved in serious injury cases. his web site offers free education materials on what steps to take to protect your rights if you are injured by the fault of another.

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