Friday, May 4, 2007



When you are injured by the fault of another you potentially have a claim for money damages. Normally you will be dealing with the person's insurances company. In my experience I see three critical mistakes people make when dealing with the insurance company.

Mistake #1

Giving a recorded statement to the insurance company without adequate preparation. Many people are not prepared to fully describe all of their injuries or may misinterpret a question about how the accident happens. For instance if you do not completely detail all of yout injuries and later claim other injuries not recorded, the insurance company will look at your claim skeptically and use the recording against you.

Additionally if you leave out a critical fact about the accident this will also be used against you later.

Mistake #2

Believing the insurance company when they tell you that you won't get any more money if you hire an attorney and you will probably get less. In many cases this is simly not true. In fact an insurance study shows that more money is paid out when an attorney is involved. However many people believe that if they hire an attorney they will walk away with less. Yes there all some cases where this could happen. A case where there is no significant injury is one such example.

However, how do you really know what you should get. The adjuster is not your friend. Their job is to protect the assets of the insurance company.

A good experienced personal injury attorney will tell you if he thinks he can add value to your case. I certainly do not want to take on a case where the injury is small and the compensation is small and the client would end up less if I took a fee.

Mistake #3

Not consulting a experienced personal injury lawyer to see if they will take your case. At least seek an initial consult to learn if they can help. There is an old saying "you get what you pay for." Don't get unfair compensation when you could and should have gotten fair compensation.

Only an experienced personal injury attorney can hold the insurance company's feet to the fire. Moreover with the contingency contract there is no risk that you will walk away with a big attorney fee bill and nothing to show for it since under that type of contract the fee is dependant on recovery. Plus many attorneys will advance expenses necessary to prosecute your claim.

For more iformation go to my helpful tips section of my web site to educate yourself further. i invite you to email or call me to discuss if i can be of assistance.

Anthony Castelli attorney 1-800-447-65499

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