Monday, February 26, 2007

How Much Do Injury and Accident Attorneys Charge

Most Injury and accident attorneys charge a fee based on the gross amount of money that they recover. These fees can range from 50% in complex difficult cases to 20- 25% in simple cases.

Most accident and injury lawyers charge 33 1/3%. This fee comes off the top in most cases. In other words if there are expenses to be reimbursed most attorneys take their fee off the gross amount of settlement.

For instance if the insurance company agrees to pay you $100,000, the attorney may charge 1/3 or $33,333.33. If you have to pay back a medical insurer or if you have to pay the attorney for case expenses then this normally will come out of you $66666.67.

Some attorneys will take cases on an hourly rate, but then you pay the attorney no matter what. Many people can not afford an hourly fee, so the contingency fee opens the door to the courthouse and legal representation.

In Ohio the fee contract must be in writing. With some attorneys the amount of the fee is negotiable. So ask the attorney what his standard fee is. Then ask if the attorney is willing to reduce the standard fee. You might be pleasantly surprised .

Some attorneys will charge a certain amount such as 25% if the case is settled before a lawsuit is filed and then a larger amount if its necessary to file a lawsuit. The idea is that if there is more work the fee should be higher. However this can present a pitfall. The client may feel the attorney filed suit just so the attorney could get a higher fee.

Although there can be no guarantees , most attorneys will not take a case unless they feel they can put a fair amount in the client's pockest after payment of fees and expenses of litigation.

by Anthony Castelli Esq.

If you would like to find out what Anthony Castelli would charge you feel free to call at 621-2345 to schedule a no cost no obligation phone or in person consultation

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