Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Why Hire A Personal Injury Attorney

Do You Really Need A Personal Injury Attorney

I have been often asked by potential clients should I hire you? The insurance company told me I won't get any more by hiring an attorney and I will have to pay the attorney a fee.

While no guarantees can be made, it is important to consider why would the insurance company tell you this. Its not because they want to help you. They want to collect premiums and pay out as little as possible so they make a profit for their stockholders. So I believe that in many cases an attorney can get you a better settlement and here's why.

1 An experienced personal injury attorney knows what a reasonable range of jury verdicts would be in your case. This can be from experience and/or research. He can render an informed opinion of the value of your case.

2 If you don't have an attorney you are stuck with taking what the insurance company offers unless you want to represent yourself. However its often said that " a person who represents themself has a fool for a client." Face it, if you need surgery you don't attempt to do it yourself, you hire the best surgeon possible so you get the best result.

3 An attorney can guide you so you don't commit a deadly mistake that ruins your case or lessens the value.

4 An attorney can collect the evidence, review it, and present it in the most favorable light to the insurance company.

5 An attorney know what questions to ask your doctor to elicit information about your injuries that is relevant and helpful in impacting a favorable settlement.

6. An attorney knows what items of damages you are entitled to and works to establish evidence that supports those damages.

7 If an offer is deemed unfair an attorney can file suit on your behalf and seek alternative settlement solutions such as mediation and arbitration.

8 When all else fails to elicit a fair settlement an experienced attorney can take your case to a jury.

9 Some attorneys will advance the expense of litigation that you could not otherwise afford and will charge a fee based on what they recover and only seek to recoup expenses if there is a monetary recovery, Thus the courthouse doors become open to you. You don't have to worry about a big attorney bill and nothing to show for it.

So although minor injury cases may not merit an attorney if you have a significant injury do yourself a favor, consult with an attorney before you blindly believe the insurance company and sell yourself and your case short.

By Anthony Castelli Attorney

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