Friday, March 3, 2006

Workers' Comp Encourages Settlements

What Ohio Workers Compensation Claimants Should Know

In a so called new approach to claims management, the Ohio bureau of workers compensation commision is urging employers and workers who are back on the job to settle cases instead of letting them hang on.
The bureau has been sending letters to employers and claimants regarding this. However this is nothing new, but has been little known unless you were knowledgeable about your rights or had a lawyer represnting you.

A monetary settlement is only made by agreement of the employer, claimant and bureau of workers compensation. If one of the parties does not agree there can be no settlement. Moreover you have no right to sue for a monetary workers compensation settlement.

The employee must know all of his rights and what kind of compensation he is entitled before he can intelligently assess whether a settlement is fair. Moreover the employer or the bureau is going to try to settle for as little as they can.

I suggest you seek the services of an attorney certified as a specialist in Ohio workers compensation law to advise and negotiate a settlement. Most attorneys will charge a percentage of the amount they are able to recover for you. This percentage can vary from attorney to attorney.

I will be glad to consult with any claimant and determine what would be a fair setttlement and negotiate it for a percentage of the recovery or if you wish I wil charge you an hourly rate to work for a fair settlement if it is appropriate under the circumstances.

There are ways to add value to the settlement and to get an unwilling employer to agree to a settlement.

For more info or to discuss your case you can call Anthony Castelli an attorney certified as a specialist by the OSBA in Ohio workers compensation law at 1-800-447-6549 or go to his web site

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