Saturday, October 15, 2005

Car Accident Personal Injury Claims Against Allstate Insurance Company

I am pleased to announce a recent jury verdict by this Cincinnati personal injury attorney against an Allstate insured. Allstate offerred $4907 to settle the case against a demand of $14,000.00. The claim was for cervical strain "whiplash" as well as traumatic arthritis

The jury verdict was $80,000.00.(Of course all cases are different and different results can occur}This result may be the exception in this kind of case especially for Hamilton County, although I believe as the makeup of juries changes higher verdicts will result

Some attorneys might not take cases against Allstate since they are seen as often making low offers. Thus to get Allstate to pay fair compensation, you may have to take the right case to trial. Cincinnati personal injury attorney, Anthony Castelli will take all the righteous Allstate cases he can and will take them to trial if necessary if the claim merits.
Anthony Castelli welcomes referrals from other attorneys and honors associate counsel fees within the parameters of the code of professional responsibility.

If you have been injured and think you are being treated unfairly by Allstate or any insurance company Call attorney Anthony Castelli for a free consultation.

513-621-2345 1-800-447-6549 or email me at

For more information about injury claims go to

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