Wednesday, July 30, 2003


I’ve created the New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers Blog as a means for lawyers and consumers to obtain news, general information, links and commentaries relating to tort law in New Jersey and around the country.

I am a New Jersey lawyer. My practice primarily involves personal injury and consumer protection. Before opening my own firm, I practiced with some of the country's best known and successful class action and catastrophic loss firms. I have tried cases in state and federal courts, argued numerous appeals, and am admitted to several courts, including the United States Supreme Court. I have prepared briefs that have been filed in courts throughout the country.

In addition to my law practice, for over ten years I have taught at South Jersey-area law schools. Many of my legal writing students have become creative, responsible and hardworking personal injury attorneys. And sometimes they even call...

I frequently lecture on legal writing to lawyers and bar associations, and am on the faculty of the country's largest CLE provider. I am also a law columnist for lexisONE and the Los Angeles Daily Journal. Much of my writing involves the day-to-day concerns of personal injury attorneys.

And one more thing. I am the founder and president of Legal Writing Success (LWS), a company that provides legal research, writing and consulting to lawyers around the country. Through my work with LWS, I have met hundreds of solo and small firm personal injury lawyers, many of whom regularly communicate with me about developments in law, particularly tort law.

There’s a lot that I’ve learned about New Jersey personal injury law over the past 15 years. This blog is as good a place as any to keep my thoughts in order and, maybe, educate lawyers and consumers about resources. Thanks for visiting.

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