Lawyer advertising revealedis almost ready for release. For Ohio residents the book will be a free public service and you can order it through my web cite
For folks outside of Ohio you will be able to order it on Amazon. This book will be an inside look at lawyer advertising. I detail what is meaningful and what is meaningless if not downright misleading.
Do you want to learn what a settlement mill is and how to avoid one? This
and many other topics are covered . You will learn in this book what are the most important things to look for in lawyer advertising. You will get 7 important things that are key to hiring great personal injury lawyers.
You will learn the backdrop of lawyer advertising. This book takes the legalese out and breaks it down so personal injury victims such as car accident injury claims or any kind of personal injury victim can learn the steps to take to hire a great personal injury lawyer.
This and more infomation about personal injury by Cincinnati lawyer Anthony Castelli focusing on Ohio law.