Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney Now On Google Maps


Press Release Cincinnati, Ohio October 28, 2008

Anthony Castelli Cincinnati Car Accident and Personal Injury Attorney is pleased to announce he now can be found on Google maps. To access his Google Map type in your browser the words Cincinnati Car Accident Attorney . Anthony Castelli attorney should show in the google listings. Anthony Castelli Cincinnati Attorney can also be found in the organic listings.

Anthony Castelli car accident and personal injury attorney can also be found thruogh google local. Type in cincinnati personal injury attorneys amd Anthony Castelli Cincinnati car accident personal injury lawyer will also show up in the google local listing and the google organic listing. Anthony Castelli cincinnati attorney offers educational materials on his web site to educate car accident injury , motorcycle accident, motor vehicle accident, general personal injury , and workers compensation victims in the state of Ohio.

You can also search through yahoo firefox and most all of the seach engines and browsers.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cincinnatii Car Accident Attorney


I am pleased to announce the the Super Lawyers magazine has named me a super lawyer for 2009. Although this is a nice accollade for a car accident and personal injury lawyer like myself,there are many great lawyers for whatever reason do not get named a super lawyer. Possibly it is because they fly under the radar, quietly doing a great job for their clients. Face it, many lawyers like to call themselves personal injury lawyers or car accident lawyers. While no such specialty category actually exists, many attorneys qualify in my humble opinion by virtue of long experience and long service to their clients.

I would personally like to recognize my friend since law school Attorney Jim Pierce as one of the hardest working personal injury lawyers I know. I know this from experience having worked on several cases with Jim. I've also seen him in action with his clients. I have never seen an attorney more willing to go that extra mile for his clients than Jim Pierc. Jim is smart, savy and dedicated to detail. He treats every client as his best friend .

I'm very proud to have Jim Pierce as a friend. I highly recommend Jim as a super personal injury attorney.

By Anthony Castelli accident and injury attorney