Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Attorney Anthony Castelli Becomes affiliated with Pro-Unions Web


Accident and Injury Attorney Anthony Castelli has recently become affilliated with the pro-unions web site www.pro-unionsweb.com He is a featured advertiser for legal services for personal injury and workers compensation in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The pro-unions web site describes their site as follows :

After tiring of seeing these other so-called "Union Member Information and Resource" websites that feature many non-union made products, an initiative was set forth to create a true union member site. One that not only has useful information, but only lists union made products and labor friendly services.

Quite frankly, what union member would shop and buy from a website that offers foreign and non-union automobiles to them at discounted rates? These sites go as far as to say that they have non-union made automobiles on their websites because they give you a discount, and you deserve a variety of autos and products to choose from whether they are union made or not. If that is the case, they might as well put Wal-mart on their sites!

At Pro-Unions Web we don't want to be the highest traffic website by manipulating numbers and hits. We want to work to earn the distinction of being the best and purest union member information and resource website in the U.S. and Canada.

As a former Union Flat Glass line worker in New Jersey in the 80's and Union Culinary employee here in Las Vegas in mid 90's, I personally know the importance of having a strong union presence in the work-place.

"We must stand together in these ever changing times!"

William Gamble
Pro-Unions Web

This web site features products and services dedicated to helping union members. Whether you like unions or not, my experience with union members is that they don't want everything, nor do they want to hurt their company. They just want a seat at the table and an opportunity to make a fair wage so they can suppport their families.

by Anthony Castelli attorney

Ohio Workers Compensation Secret Benefit


The Ohio workers compensation system provides benefits to workers hurt on the job. Everyone knows that payment for medical treatment is available as well as payment while you are healing.

However many workers do not know about the award called " permanent partial disability". Neither the bureau of workers compensation , nor your employer will tell you about this award. That is why I call this the secret benefit.

If you have a permanent impairment, such as pain, you can file for this award. You must wait a certain time limit before you can file for it. Additionally you do not have to take the award the workers compensation bureau gives you. You can have a doctor of your choosing exam you and give his opinion of your percentage of impairment to your body as a whole. Plus this award does not close your claim but extends it.

If there is evidence, the matter goes to a hearing and the industrial commision decides what your percentage is. I have seen doctors differ as much as 15%. This means that if a bureau doctor gives you 3%, depending on your wages you might get a one time payment of $1200. However if you doctor gives you a 15% the industial commision might find a 9 or 10% award. This could be as much as $$4400. This is quite a big difference.

Most attorneys that specialize in workers compensation of Ohio will only take a fee from your permanent partial award if you are granted one. They can tell you what is a fair award within range and may know doctors who specialize in performing these exams for claimants.

So if you have a workers compensation claim don't be shortchanged. Contact an attorney who specializes in Ohio's workers compensation to see if they can get you the maximum permanent partial disability award.

by Anthony Castelli Attorney certified specialist in Ohio workers compensation law by the Ohio State Bar Association practicng in greater Cincinnati Ohio. Call Lawyer Castelli for a free consultation 621-2345 or visit his website www.castellilaw.com/workers-compensation.html