Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Secret To Winning Your Car Accident Case


Winning A car accident case (getting full compensation for your injury) is not easy. However there are several things you can do to help ensure that you get fair compensation.

1. Do not delay in seeking medical attention. When someone is horribly injured in a car crash the injuries are usually clearly documented from the time the life squad arrives to the time you are taken to the hospital. But once people are released from the hospital to attempt the recovery process they often fall short.

2. Gaps in medical treatment or cancellation of appointments can come back to haunt you . These cancelations will of course be recorded in your records. This allows the seeds of doubt to be sown regarding how serious your injury ultimately turned out. A good defense attorney will be able to convey that either you weren't hurt all that bad or that had you followed your doctors advice you would have recovered sooner.

3. Listen closely to your body and be a squeeky wheel when you see your doctor. Often severe initial injuries mask less severe injuries that ultimately linger. It is important to tell your doctor as soon as possible what else is bothering you that might not have been as significant initially.

4. Document your injuries with photographs. Photographs can graphically depict the pain and seriousness of an injury.

5. Don't let the insurance company have blanket authoriztions. you never know what they will ask for that isn't their businsess.

6. Do not hide previous injuries from your doctor. Your doctor's opinion of the cause of your injuries is based on a good history. You should give the doctor a complete history of past medical problems. However if they have healed be sure to make clear that they had not been bothering you immediately prior to your new injury.

7. Give yourself the benefit of an early consultation with a good car accident personal injury lawyer. You may decide that the attorney can perform services that will increase the value of your case, give you peace of mind, and allow you to concentrate on healing rather that fighting big insurance, At least find out what you are entitled to and if you have a fair case . Also an attorney can help preserve evidence that might otherwise be neglected.

Anthony Castelli is a greater cincinnati an accident and injury attorney. He welcomes your questions and offers free initial consultations. You can reach him at 621-2345 or for more information

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Secret to Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim


Winning s social security claim is not easy . But there is one thing that you can do that will give you the best chance of winning:


Social Security law is such that it requires the judge to find your treating physicians statement controlling if it is well documented and not inconsistent with other substantial evidence of record. Therefore the most important thing you can do is have your treating physician fill out a physical or mental capacity form that documents your restrictions. The doctor should give a complete explanation of the evidence he relies on and the significance of that evidence .

Also his complete records should be submitted so that the TREATING relationship is established. It is this treating relationship established over time that is critical.

By Anthony Castelli attorney . Mr Castelli invites you to call him for a free consultation. 1-800-447-6549 513-621-2345. His fee is based on recovering a benfit for you.

Friday, May 4, 2007



When you are injured by the fault of another you potentially have a claim for money damages. Normally you will be dealing with the person's insurances company. In my experience I see three critical mistakes people make when dealing with the insurance company.

Mistake #1

Giving a recorded statement to the insurance company without adequate preparation. Many people are not prepared to fully describe all of their injuries or may misinterpret a question about how the accident happens. For instance if you do not completely detail all of yout injuries and later claim other injuries not recorded, the insurance company will look at your claim skeptically and use the recording against you.

Additionally if you leave out a critical fact about the accident this will also be used against you later.

Mistake #2

Believing the insurance company when they tell you that you won't get any more money if you hire an attorney and you will probably get less. In many cases this is simly not true. In fact an insurance study shows that more money is paid out when an attorney is involved. However many people believe that if they hire an attorney they will walk away with less. Yes there all some cases where this could happen. A case where there is no significant injury is one such example.

However, how do you really know what you should get. The adjuster is not your friend. Their job is to protect the assets of the insurance company.

A good experienced personal injury attorney will tell you if he thinks he can add value to your case. I certainly do not want to take on a case where the injury is small and the compensation is small and the client would end up less if I took a fee.

Mistake #3

Not consulting a experienced personal injury lawyer to see if they will take your case. At least seek an initial consult to learn if they can help. There is an old saying "you get what you pay for." Don't get unfair compensation when you could and should have gotten fair compensation.

Only an experienced personal injury attorney can hold the insurance company's feet to the fire. Moreover with the contingency contract there is no risk that you will walk away with a big attorney fee bill and nothing to show for it since under that type of contract the fee is dependant on recovery. Plus many attorneys will advance expenses necessary to prosecute your claim.

For more iformation go to my helpful tips section of my web site to educate yourself further. i invite you to email or call me to discuss if i can be of assistance.

Anthony Castelli attorney 1-800-447-65499