Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Abogados Cincinnati


Si usted ha sido lesionado o perdido un ser amado en un accidente, usted podría necesitar ayuda obteniendo compensación por esas lesiones, costos médicos, perdida de salario, dolor y sufrimiento. Un accidente que resulte en una lesión seria tal como una lesión cerebral o lesión que lleve a parálisis, puede cambiar una vida en una fracción de segundo. Aun una colisión de impacto liviano puede causar una lesión grave como lesión del cuello, fustigación o lesión de la espalda y afectar la vida de alguien por un periodo largo de tiempo. Un abogado para lesiones personales puede ayudar a una persona lesionada a pasar a través del proceso del sistema legal para obtener una compensación justa por las lesiones y perdidas.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an accident, you could need aid obtaining compensation for injuries, medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering. An accident that causes a serious injury such as a head injury or injury that causes paralysis, can change a life in a fraction of second.

A collision of light impact can cause a serious injury to the neck, or injury tothe back and affect your life for a long period of time. A lawyer for personal injuries can help an injured person through the process of the legal system to obtain fair compensation for the loss caused by the injuries.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006



Our Commitment to Clients:
To treat you with respect and courtesy.

To handle your legal matter competently and diligently, in accordance with the highest standards of the profession.

To exercise independent professional judgment on your behalf.

To charge a reasonable fee and to explain in advance how that fee will be computed and billed.

To return telephone calls promptly.

To keep you informed and provide you with copies of important papers.

To respect your decisions on the objectives to be pursued in your case, as permitted by law and the rules of professional conduct.

To work with other participants in the legal system to make our legal system more accessible and responsive.

To preserve the client confidences learned during our lawyer-client relationship.

To exhibit the highest degree of ethical conduct in accordance with the Rules of Professional Conduct and the State Bar Act.

Based upon the American Bar Association Declaration of Commitment to Clients